was tested for candida and paratites turned out i have fungi infection which causes like cottage cheese discharge but its not candida he teseted me 3 times for candida albanisis and mercury heavy metals came back negative i have parasites toxoplasomose campylobac pylori causing me terribil digestion and gas and very bad hormonal inbalances also have slight samonela i totally lost faith in natropths as every time they see my white tongue they diagonesed me with candida but i dont have it according to him he even asked to see my tongue what ive got is causing me irration in my stomach and intestines bowels he picked that up with my tests everything pointed to my irritated intestines and stomach im in shock i asked him to check and check again and he did ans said u def hvnt got candida weird he says my liver didnt seem to bad netheir hes given me alot of homeaphic drops and parastites drops and ive got to take alot a day in a big bottle of water im in shock though i have to say been on candida diet for a year and things have got worse with my digestion and stomach and even time i take probiotcs i get more inflamed irrited inside classic sign of paratites also have 2 bacterial overgrowths and pylori also said i have low stomach acid was all these things are causing and they cause some tiredness to he even know i was menstrating today and am very sensitive stomach at the mo and even know i suffer from coldsores as herpes simplex showed up on my tests