Hello Sancuary2. I wanted to tell you that taking your Iodine with your ACV might not be such a good idea. You probably know that Iodine is one of the greatest natural anti-bacterial/viral/ and parasitic elements known. ACV is loaded with healthy flora, this is a major reason why it has so many health benefits. Think about it, do you think adding Iodine to acv might kill all the beneficial flora?? I'd imagine so. While, I have not researched any of this, it just makes sense to me.
Also, I know there are many who say to add honey to your acv, but that might not be the best thing to do as well. Unless you let the acv sit with the honey for an hour or longer, youre taking in a lot of unnecessary sugar. I recommend just getting used to the taste. It didnt take long for me. I can drink 2+ tbsp of acv in little water and I love the taste. I mix it in with many of my dishes.