Re: vomiting up Epsom salt in 1st attempted flush
I agree with Hopinso's idea of cutting the dose of the
Epsom Salts ...but I'm almost positive (that for most people), being dehydrated is a major cause of nausea.
If I were you, I would NOT limit my water intake during the flush...except 30-45 minutes of each dose of the
Epsom Salts (because you don't want to dilute the dose of the ES).
The action of the ES is that it relaxes everything, causes the gallbladder to contract a bit and causes 'butt pee' (lol). This is because the ES causes water from the bloodstream to go into the intestinal tract. This causes dehydration and throws of the electrolytes in some people (I am particularly sensitive to ES, and although I've never thrown up, I've felt like it many a time). The electrolyte imbalance can make you woozy, feel weak, a bit nauseated, dizzy, out of balance and just plain like a 'dizzy limp rag'...and when you add dehydration to that, it makes 'throwing up' a lot more likely. So please don't limit your water intake (unless your own 'doctor within' tells you that would be best for you).
Telman (CZ's resident "expert" in liver flushing) suggested mixing up a little "electrolyte cocktail" that has helped me a LOT. Take a small glass, and put in: a pinch of natural salt, a pinch of baking soda and pink of salt substitute (potassium chloride) put a splash of water in it (I don't remember the exact amount, I always use juice) - it'll be fizzy/salty, but I feel relief within minutes of taking it.
There's something else you can do for nausea, and that's take fresh ginger root (just about in ANY form...chew on the root, juice it, make a tea out of it...whatever works)! Ginger is THE strongest anti-nausea herb (other than cannabis) on the planet...and here's some more information about how to use ginger with a liver flush:
I have ALWAYS put ginger juice with my olive oil with every flush I've ever done (and so has my husband). I wouldn't use it much before the olive oil part though, because ginger helps the liver produce bile, and we don't want the liver releasing any bile before the olive oil (that's the reason for fasting). So, I realize it might not give you any help with "ES nausea" but it's a great help with nausea during or after the olive oil. And it's great to have a cup of ginger tea (or just a chunk of ginger root) at your bedside - so if you wake up in the middle of the night feeling queasy, the ginger'll be right there to help make you feel 'not nauseous'.
Also, you mentioned this: >>>is it possible to tell oneself not to throw up? For example, if I feel nauseous, should I do things that will take my mind off the nausea such as getting fresh air to prevent the throwing up from happening? (Like mind over matter type of thing? ) <<<
YES, there is something that is EXTREMELY effective...I don't know if you know about it, but it's called EFT. It's super easy to do and I've used it my last 8-10 flushes so I would have any trouble getting down those last few slurps of olive oil. I've been amazed at how effective it is! (it's basically a needle-free version of acupuncture that you do by tapping on points of your body with your finger!)
Here's the home page:
And here's a youtube search for EFT:
(there's a whole lot of instructional videos on youtube - you'll just have to search through the titles to find them yourself, because I'm out of time).
But not so out of time that I can't tell you this: you're doing great things for your body and health by liver flushing! And it IS scary, and sometimes we DO get sick (and sometimes it's just from being so scared and worried). It's not likely that's you'll throw up again (especially at half the dose), but even if you do, it's not the end of the world. Why? Because throughout all the healers of this century, there's several "recipes" for
Liver Flushing that don't even use
Epsom Salts (even though, I think it's more effective to use them)...and thousands of people HAVE flushed effectively (and without pain) without using ES.
I'm sure there'll be someone around if you need a bit of 'hand holding', so don't hesitate to post :)
Flush ON!