Trying liver flush again 8/2/08 Sat. 8pm EST. ? Would anyone hold my hand ;-)
Dear Hopinso,
I feel that I have recovered well enough in the past two days after my failed attempt at the liver flush. (I have been eating good foods and even did cardio exercise for an hour today.) And also since I have to get back to work early next week, I have decided to try the flush again tomorrow. I had been taking Gold Coin Grass, Chinese Bitters, Coptis C, & Curcuma for the past two months in preparation for the flush. I figure that since I am taking the GCG, it would be alright that I won't have done the apple juice prepartion.
As to your question of bowel movement, I have bowel movements at least once a day. Since my gallbladder started bothering me a year ago, I had to start eating steamed veggie, brown rice, and steamed salmon just to fend off gallbladder attacks, (with some greasy meals in between after weeks of bland food). Because of the high fiber content of my diet, I am very regular. I think that tomorrow when I do the flush, I will cut the
Epsom Salt to half the dose as you had suggested and I will not be drinking any water after the 2pm cut-off time! I will be sure to load up on water before hand though. I think that I will just eat very lightly tomorrow, steamed veggies. Thanks for everyone's pointers, your experiences are very valuable. I will be starting the first dose of
Epsom Salt tomorrow at 8pm EST. (ymmmmhh) If anyone would be around curezone then, pleaszzzzze hold my hand ;-)