My period became normal after a few months on iodine. I started off with tiny baby doses, too, because I bought some off brand, not Lugol's.
The menses used to start then stop, only to begin again. I read that that could be a symptom of adredal fatique. Can you believe my elation nowadays to have a normal period of about 3 days instead of dealing with the mess for a week or more? I figure it is the Iodine and all the C doses I take all day- maybe the adrenals are better now!!!
Men may be able to imagine how much better that is for a girl!
Humaworm caused an ocean of blood to just free flow out, it was soooo much, RG said it is the way a woman's body cleanses and detoxes itself, and it is a good thing!
So maybe that is what is happening to you? Detox symptoms perhaps?