My son has the same problem. He is nearly 10 and has been like this since he came out of nappies. He has been in hospital several times and he has gone 6 weeks without passing a stool (just having seepage). At first he seemed to have the urge, but over the years this has now gone. I only know when he really needs to go because he will become listless and just sit on the sofa all day and he is normally a very active boy. He is now at the stage where he will lie to me and tell me that he has been to the toilet but it sank behind the ubend, or that he has been at school, grans, dads etc. It's really frustrating. The only time I have ever hit my son is when I couldn't get him to poo and I was so scared of him having to go through an enamae again. I don't know if this will ever end, and I have lost all faith in the doctors. I give him his laxative, but if I get the dosage slightly wrong or he is off colour, either nothing happens or he has to miss school as he is on the toilet all day.