My wife an dI have been dealing with this for the past 2 1/2 years. Our daughter (now 9) began holding in her BM's. She would soil her pants and stay home from school with tummy aches and headaches. We have been through the Mineral Oil (works wonders when mixed with Heshey's chocholate syrup), Miralax, ER Visits, Dr visits, suppositories (Screamer from hell), etc
She eventually gets the "Big painful" one out and then she is fine for months.
We are having this issue again and just fount this discussion thread. Thanks I thought it was just us.
I have read the messeges (most of the) to my daughter. She went in and tried going. Finding out she was not hte only one this is happening to helped her for now. I am hoping we can get her lined out. Thanks for the comments.