Re: Not sure if my raw diet is going well... HELP!
I'd still appreciate any views on the bloatedness?
The fact of the matter is that I'm very constipated, I have a bowel movement maybe once every two days.
I eat heaps of flaxseed for this. Mostly ground and mixed into fruit and water as in to make a porridge kind of a smoothie, but this doesn't seem to work at all - if possible, I feel more constipated. For that reason I've added the amount of whole flaxseeds, I've even eaten them straight from the box with a spoon. Still to no avail.
I had two enemas yesterday with a few teaspoons of
Epsom Salts in both flushes. Sure, this brought a good amount of gunk out, but afterwards - and in the morning - I didn't feel much better.
Usually, after constipation and when I get to go, I feel super energised, so I think this might be the key to my tiredness, too.
Still agree with the previous repliers? Or does anyone have an additions?