While I might agree that SS system is a prototype of what is to come, the US is a small part of the world. It is set up in a way that it's easy to obtain an SS number for a fee. It can't track people, and you can buy and sell without one. As an illegal alien, you can purchase one from people who do that for a living. Identities are easy to steal in this country, and I'm sure that the system that will be put into place worldwide as the "mark of the beast" will be failproof. There will probably be chips, tracked by satellites. We came closer when they talked of an identification card, but that didn't come to pass. I wouldn't look for it within the US, when it happens, it will happen on a bigger scale, the world, and it won't be implemented by someone here in the US. In fact, by the time that happens, we'll know to look up and wait for Jesus to appear, if He hasn't already by that time.