Hi Jessemom!
That's exactly like the thing I saw ............. Is that supposed to be the scolex or just part of the body? What were you taking the day you got that out? I haven't seen that since two weeks ago now its just yellow muccous sesame seeds and sand................ What do I do now? I've already done two parasite flushes and a scriipt as well.................. I still feel it moving around and the morse code feeling..............Does that mean I have more than one? How far up the digestive track can these things go? WHile I sleep? I can't take the noises I am hearing and this intense pain in the center between chest and navel, right in the middle............ and my heart is beating right throuugh this spot................Now I am scared .................... Cause that is what I saw...................... What is T.Solium? species of tapeworm?