Thanks everyone for being so kind....I am feeling a bit better than I was, I think that it is just the thing of dealing with something that is so can be going along thinking that you are doing ok and than one day it just all gets too was a too much day. It's nice that people here understand and are going through or have been through similar things. It made me feel better, coming in and seeing some of the really nice words that people had wrote...Thank you.
With regard to taking it slow, I have only had two drops in one dose yesterday since getting the flu four days ago. Before this I had a week of three drops once a day, than four drops once a day for a couple of days. So I was taking it really slow I thought. I think that I am going to give it a little break and than see if I want to take it back to one or two drops.
I just wanted to say thanks as well Farmgirl for those words....very kind...thank you all...Moonie