Re: chemtrail exposure treatment
This is a product I used successfully
after exposure to chemtrails which were
laid down heavily and low for a solid 2
week period. I love to walk and live in
the country north of Houston and so I
was determined not to let the chemtrails
disrupt my desire to go for a hike. After
having then suffered some health problems
immediately after, and having not been
sick with so much as a cold or flu for
years, I could only attribute this shift
in my health to my chemtrail exposure.
This homeopathic product helped me~~
additional info~~
I also have been zapping with my Terminator II
frequently although mostly, we have been not
been sprayed for a little while now. I suspect
that there may be some additional issues involved
in chemtrails since I live in the south and they
sprayed HEAVILY day and night before Katrina.
Then they went almost a year without any trails.
It would be interesting to see if there was
chemtrail activity prior to the heavy Midwest
weather/flooding. For us down south, it has been
clear and normal clouds so far.
Best wishes,