Re: So how long?
I know that a fast doesn't have to be spiritual. It just helps to connect the body and the mind at times. Fasting helps with
Depression as it done for me. Yes it is a healing process, and it does help lose weight, but during the fast a person has to focus on changing a life style to eat healthier and better so once the body is done fasting, a person doesn't shock their body by doing things and eating things that could harm it.
I was trying to touch the base that some people could use fasting for the wrong reasons. Such as a person believing that I can fast to lose weight and it doesn't matter what I eat or do. I was just trying to warn of the dangers of focusing on it as it always being a weight loss tool.
I was just saying that as a safety issue. It was brought to my attention when I first fasted and I was just passing it on.
I just wouldn't want to see anyone hurt by it. Fasting can be very dangerous with the wrong state of mind. I didn't mean anything by my comments. I was not judging or trying to pursade my point of view or push a point. Just giving sharing some knowledge.
I am truly sorry if my comment offended anyone. Again, I am sorry.