The safe way depends on each individual person. Everyone's bodies are different and work different ways. First of all, before you fast you must be knowledgable and read up on what it can do to you. Second, when you fast, you must listen to your body first of all.
The first three or four days will be hardest, because the hunger urges will still be there and you will be tempted to eat. It takes about 3 or 4 days for your body to use up all the
Sugar in your liver, in which you body has been running on, if you are water fasting. On or about the 4 or 5 days, you will feel very tired because your body is now trying to kick in the burning fat process and use up all the extra fat resources in your body. Your body will adapt to fat burning as well as it repairs and cleans out your system.
It usually takes me about day 6 or 7 before I start really detoxing. My body feel horrible as it tries to dispell of the damage I have been doing to it. I sometimes have skin break outs as toxins are being pushed out and flushed out of my system.
Your fast depends on you and your body. If you have a strong will, you will be able to fast until you body is done detoxing and you will then begin to have a VERY strong urge to eat. It is your body telling you that you HAVE to eat or it could be damaging to your health. If you are tempted by friends and family to eat, then your fast will only last as long as your will power. This might be very trying for you during your detoxification period when your body feels horrible. You feel horrible, not because you are hungry or not eating. You feel horrible because your body is trying to correct the damage you have done. The medication and chemicals that you put in your body are traps in your cells and by fasting you are flushing all that remaining trash out of your body and of course, it is going make you feel horrible during that time.
Please read up on fasting and be knowlegdable in what you are doing. Fasting should never be used to just lost weight. If you do, you could be harming your body and mind more then you know. Fasting is to correct a bad lifestyle, to learn how to eat correctly and repair your body both in and out. Fast is also very spiritual and it connects us with God, as the fast repeairs our bodies and minds.
If you have any more question, please feel free to ask, but please read up on fasting so you know the dangers as well as the benefits.