23 y
Re: Bentonite is aluminium???
Everything is a form of energy and has its own vibration...hence an electromagnetic field.
Depression, fatigue and poor memory are symptoms of many things, including an increase in circulating toxins. Many types of cleanses that do no use bentonite...fasting, liver cleanses,
parasite cleanses, etc....will often produce these same symptoms. The body is not battling's working very hard to eliminate the toxins. When they are released from tissue and organs a person will often feel worse until they are expelled from the body.
Bentonite is often referred to as clay, but is actually volcanic ash. It doesn't come from the soil.
Many things can disrupt the acid/alkaline condition of the body. Toxicity is a primary source of acidity. The
Bentonite absorbs toxins. It is an aDsorber meaning that it does not absorb into the body.
Although some...but not all...people will feel worse at the onset of a cleanse, virtually everyone experiences improvements in their health and sense of well-being as the
Colon Cleanse progresses.
I think you've come to some erroneous conclusions about the bentonite...but if you find something else to effectively clean your colon that would probably be a better choice for you. I previously used Holistic Horizons products with excellent results and the program does not call for bentonite...perhaps this may be an option for you.