Day 11
Today is yet again, the best day I've had in quite a while! If it keeps improving like this, I'm gonna have to be twins!!?!?!??
The only negative is that last night is the first night that I didn't sleep a minimum of 5 hours before waking. 3am, I hadda pee like RIGHT NOW!! and it was as if I hadn't gone in 2 weeks!! What caused that? There was nothing unusual in my day, so I dunno.
BMs are dark nut brown, loosely formed and fast moving ... FINALLY! (Yeah, I'm the nutty one that does *happy dance* when I like what I see in my toilet ... y'all would have had to lived in my body to fully understand).
All achiness is gone from my body. I feel like I could get any and everything done that I need to do. I have no brain-fog. BUT I'm still sleepy and I don't understand this unless it's just the stress of learning a new job ... which could very well be the case. I'm sitting in class 8 hours a day competeing with a room full of 25 yr olds! Who wouldn't be stressed? I come home brain drained! That's trying in and of itself!
My liver that was quickly becoming a pain in my side again is no longer a feelable organ ... you GO Charlie! I'm glad I met ya!