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Re: open message to Jim Humble
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Re: open message to Jim Humble

Tom--(sarcastic moment never off) I'm not really sure what you were being sarcastic about. Humble's book? Which one? I've read them, and really don't want to go through that again. JAB unfortunately quotes it so often, I believe that he has it memorized. I would try those numbers provided again, but see, I'm pretty darn sure that the people that said that they didn't know him might get peeved if I keep calling and asking the same question. Know what I mean? And I'm pretty sure that Humble also said to Fin that since the government had fired all the people involved, he would provide their personal numbers, so she could call them. Now why would I be dumb enough to believe that those are really the people involved? Come on, MISTER Humble, give us just a little credit here!
And by the way, Tom, you failed. No fake doctorate, no purple suit for you.
And really, give you my address on the board? LOL, what a really great idea! You give me your address first!
How about some more homework, Mr. Fox(are you really silver, or are you trying to make us think that you are Kenny Rogers?) See how many people on the support forum had genuine cures. Not anecdotal, but genuine cures. ;0)


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