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Re: open message to Jim Humble
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Re: open message to Jim Humble

and not to drain your brain power but when you DO pick one--then please tell us how then IF the stomach acid does NOT affect it--how can this be??? maybe because once you drink it the reactions have all petered out and youre left with a very useless drink ( albeit very clean water/juice--maybe)

and IF it does react with stomach acid--HOW on earth do you or the great and powerful oz (Humble) know that its only 1% more?? and doesnt that also depend upon how long its left to stand while activating???? with so many variables he and you are insane to be making such blanket claims and tossing out percents00based upon WHAT??

and I have a question for the group--why are we bothering with Jon anyway??? does he have a line to Humble??? I mean one tiny little small minded guy in a sea of



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