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Re: solution amount?

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Original Hulda Clark
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Published: 17 y
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Re: solution amount?

Hello Diana,

That is an aspect of the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol that I don't understand yet. ClO2 is an oxidant. I don't think it gets on well with antioxidants, and I happen to be on a heavy antioxidant regime.

Under load, the activated solution will continue to produce ClO2 for 8 - 12 hours, or until it is all used up. I am not sure what the uptake rate is for ClO2, but vitamin C can get into your blood in minutes. Another thing to consider is that ClO2 can remove minerals from the body.

OK, let's look at how we can put all of this together...

I happen to think that this activated solution should be taken on an empty stomach to have maximum effectiveness, so let's start the day off taking a dose at 7 am. Unless neutralized or used up, this solution has the possibility of working until 7 pm.

Now I sit down to have Breakfast... Normally I would have some fresh fruit and some yogurt and a cup of tea or coffee. It dawns on me that these foods and drinks are high in antioxidants and possibly can neutralize the solution I just took.

As you can see, the see-saw has begun.

It has been suggested that you should wait 4 hours before taking antioxidants and vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, but that means that you are cutting your dose short. This partial effectiveness may hold a clue as to why Miracle-Mineral-Supplement seems to work in some cases and not in others.

I don't know if Jim Humble has factored this into the protocol by going for higher doses, but I have observed that 1000 mg of vitamin C will basically neutralize a 15 drop dose of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Those who take high quantities of vitamin C are severely cutting down on the effectiveness of MMS. In addition, the proper way to take high quantities of vitamin C is to take several small doses throughout the day. If you are taking 500 mg of vitamin C every 4 hours, and also trying to take MMS, there would be a constant battle going on.

Keep in mind that there hasn't been a lot of testing on this, so this involves some speculation, however I have verified that vitamin C will neutralize the activated MMS solution.

Now, there are a couple of ways to look at this. If we assume that ClO2 rapidly works within the body, then it could be that the dose is completely used up in 4 hours, and there would be no conflict. On the other hand, Jim Humble refers to the slow linear release of ClO2 over a 12 hour period. In this case, the antioxidants can neutralize the last part of the dose before it gets a chance to work.

One way to work around this is to pulse taking MMS with some days off. The amount of on days versus off days would depend on what you are trying to recover from.

For example, some doctors are concerned that antioxidants may interfere with chemotherapy. However, some of the side effects from chemo are caused by the free radicals released as the chemo drugs work. In one case, the doctor agreed with the use of antioxidants, but requested not taking them 24 hours before an infusion, and then not starting back on them until 40 hours after the infusion.

In a similar fashion, MMS may be more effective if it is taken for a couple of days while you fast from antioxidants, and then you could fast from MMS and take your antioxidants during your days off of MMS. I am not aware of anyone doing something like this, but I think it is worth considering.



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