Re: This is a vital issue everyone should pay attention to!
Since my reach is a bit less than universal, those I do reach and do care for would do well to heed my advice - and that relatively tiny number would not likely cause any run on food supplies, whereas a great number of other things could.
Since when is buying as much food as you wish called hoarding? That is how our ancestors once lived on a normal basis - canning and drying and preserving and putting away foods from the times of harvest and bounty for the times of cold and scarcity.
Is saving money instead of spending it hoarding? I think saving money generally makes a lot more sense than living from one paycheck to the next. The same logic should apply to food. What sense does it make to assume that there is always going to be a steady available supply and only keep a couple of days of food on hand?
I have 3 months worth of food on hand. It is not hoarded because I use it daily. I just keep 3 months supply ahead, buying a new month's worth of food each month and using up a month's supple at the same time. I buy in bulk and save and between making myself prepare and eat more meals and the savings from the retail grocers I am sure I save at least half on my food bill, only supplementing with perishables and the occasional luxury meal out.
You are right, if food supplies disappeared it would indeed be the law of the jungle. And it will take a pretty big tribe of apes to take my food away because food is not the only thing I have stockpiled.
Semper fi!