(Note: I am giving you a good message alert and replying here just as I did in the Politics Forum. This issue is vital!)
"Even if people increased their purchasing by 20%, all the store shelves would be wiped out."
Most people have not a clue as to how serious this threat is - and how precariously balanced our food supply house of cards is. Our grocery markets depend upon a constant re-supply just for normal shopping. If the trucks were to stop running (due to high gas prices, or perhaps something unexpected like terrorists taking a few potshots at truckers on the interstates), most of the perishables would be gone in three days of normal shopping. But there would be no normal shopping - most shelves would be stripped bare in scant hours, much faster than the government could take action. And when people run out of food, they run out of rationality quickly. How long are any of you willing to go hungry? Or see your family begin to starve?
The goverment recommends everyone have a three day supply of stockpiled food, water, etc. That is laughable when it comes to a food shortage and is actually intended to ride out a "terrorist threat" or other situation, real or manufactured, that enables the government to use it's Bush created powers to establish martial law. A food shortage and panic is something entirely different. Frankly it, like martial law, is horrifying to contemplate - but contemplate it we should.
I suggest more like 3 months minimum. Buy in bulk and save lots of money, then each month buy and rotate in another month's worth of food. And you best learn how and begin to start sprouting seeds and growing a garden too. Sadly, you also better learn how to protect your food - from the hungry mobs and from the government, whose unconstitutional Homeland Security measures allow them to seize stockpiles of food.
Serious enough, Trapper, that whether it is real or created I do not intend to go hungry. And it is a fact that the world population is exceeding the food supply. It just makes sense to be prepared. That is how earlier generations lived, but now we are called food hoarders when we try to use common sense and prepare for the possiblity of an interruption in the food supply and the chaos that could ensue - as if it is somehow wrong for us to buy more than a few days worth of groceries at a time?
"Even if people increased their purchasing by 20%, all the store shelves would be wiped out."
Isn't that what would happen if people took the advice to buy enough food for 3 months?
Personally I believe that 1 month of no food on the shelves would bring it to a head. There are too many people who couldn't afford to buy 3 months worth of food to begin with, and they aren't going to let themselves, and their families starve.
I would think that one month of no food would bring the situation to a head one way or another. Millions would be out of jobs, the economy would be in chaos, and crime would be rampant. The police and other emergency agencies would be overwhelmed.
To think that anybody can hoard food while others starve is rediculous. Better that we should see that everybody is fed. We are in this together whether we want to realize it or not.
Even guns, and ammunition won't keep starving people from burning down your house to get at the food.
One suggestion for making it past the month of chaos until the powers that be get it straightened out is to stock pile distilled water, or buy a distiller. We could all stand to lose some weight, and what better way than a 30, or 40 day water fast. In addition if you want to back that up with some food, do it with seeds that can be sprouted. Buy staples like flour, and corn meal to make bread. Dehydrate some vegetables which will last months, and store efficiently. Have a juicer, or blender to utilize greens, and edible weeds. Plant some seeds.
And above all, do it quietly so as not to start a stampede.
Since my reach is a bit less than universal, those I do reach and do care for would do well to heed my advice - and that relatively tiny number would not likely cause any run on food supplies, whereas a great number of other things could.
Since when is buying as much food as you wish called hoarding? That is how our ancestors once lived on a normal basis - canning and drying and preserving and putting away foods from the times of harvest and bounty for the times of cold and scarcity.
Is saving money instead of spending it hoarding? I think saving money generally makes a lot more sense than living from one paycheck to the next. The same logic should apply to food. What sense does it make to assume that there is always going to be a steady available supply and only keep a couple of days of food on hand?
I have 3 months worth of food on hand. It is not hoarded because I use it daily. I just keep 3 months supply ahead, buying a new month's worth of food each month and using up a month's supple at the same time. I buy in bulk and save and between making myself prepare and eat more meals and the savings from the retail grocers I am sure I save at least half on my food bill, only supplementing with perishables and the occasional luxury meal out.
You are right, if food supplies disappeared it would indeed be the law of the jungle. And it will take a pretty big tribe of apes to take my food away because food is not the only thing I have stockpiled.
Semper fi!
Hoarding food was a wrong choice of words. Food storage, whatever, I still don't get it.
What good is 3 months? What do you do after 3 months?
I guess you can go attack the Mormons to get their food when you finally do run out. They all store a years worth of food, and have been for some time as a matter of their religeous beliefs.
Going to be a hell of a job burying the rest of us that ran out of food. Can you imagine the stench of rotting bodies.
I guess the Mormons could support your supplement business for a while until they are either killed for their food, or run out of it.
Hell of a mess.
LOL! I don't have a supplement business, though I have thought about it. I make most of my money by writing. If I am lucky, supplement affiliate sales cover the cost of my main website. And I have no plans on attacking anyone. unless it is part of a general uprising to return our country to the founding principles. I feel very sorry and apologize in advance to anyone who seeks to attack me. Insofar as burials and stenches - not way up here in the isolated hill country of southwest Texas. Might be a few people perish of "lead poisoning", but there are plenty of coyotes to take care of that.
You are right, 3 months is really not a lot of food. I probably should have a few more months than that. The Mormons plan sounds like a good one to me. Hmmm, you know there is that offshoot sect of polygamists very close to where I live . . . I just might have a few extra cans of beans for some comely young lasses.
Seriously now - you make it sound like somehow it would be my fault for being prepared if there is a food shortage. Or that it is somehow wrong for me to be prepared and warn others to do the same. Are you saying we should not be prepared? Insofar as what do I do after the food runs out, the answer is: the same thing man has done for thousands of years. I eat what I can grow, kill and catch - and I preserve as much as I can and try to keep a good supply of food on hand. I can hunt, shoot, fish, garden and cook with the best of them - so if that is what needs be done, I am ready.
Actually, I do not see a true longterm food shortage in this country for a long time to come - but there surely may be one or more short term ones created by deliberate acts that panic the population at large. Whether those acts come from within or without, I plan to be prepared.
If you wish to criticize or somehow cast me in an ill light for being prepared, so be it. My few hundred cans of canned goods and bags of beans, rice and grains, etc. can't save the rest of the country or the world - but they might save me and those I care most about. Other than that the best I can do is advise the others I care about. Such as the members of this forum.
I do see worldwide food shortages and a tremendous rise in the cost of food (it is already happening). The food will continue to go where the money is. And it very well may cost an arm and a leg. All the more reason to buy ahead of time in bulk and to start growing, raising, hunting and preserving.
"my buddy's wife lets him go hunting as long as he doesn't shoot anything that moves. but she'll come back from publix with $100 worth of beef.she votes the left party line, of course."
Too funny. As long as she can bring it home in a package.
That's on par with thinking you can store enough guns, and ammunition to stop hundreds, maybe thousands who are starving from getting your food.
I stll think the best is to share what you have with the hungry. How can they not recipocate if and when they find food?