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Re: This is a vital issue everyone should pay attention to!
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,475
Published: 17 y
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Re: This is a vital issue everyone should pay attention to!

just how serious is this, tony? it seems to me that every ten years or so something comes along to get people to buy more stuff they dont need. i wonder how many y2k stockpiles are still left out there? with a shelf life of 7 years or so, they should all be depleted. time to stock them all up again?

you hit the nail on the head when you talk about mobs and the government. unless you are trained, armed to the teeth and willing to shoot anyone on sight, forget it. if you live way out in the country already, then what do you care? any stockpile of provisions, be they arms, ammunition, fuel, food, equipment, tools, or other consumables, is simply there for the strongest man to take. if it gets as bad as people say, there will be no rules except the jungle.



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