Re: Need good sound advise please.
I didn't see anything in your post regarding love, affection, or nurturing on his part. Sounds like you are getting nothing out of this at all but pain? If so, I would say any future would be more of the same. And if he isn't interested in "fixing" it, there is no other place to go in the relationship. (If nothing else, I might try to convince him that counseling may help bring back your sex drive - if he still can't be bothered, I'd have to say he seems entirely self-serving as he makes demands but gives nothing back? Only you know the answer to his contributions to your relationship).
You sound close to his family, which is nice...but don't put up with a nothing guy just for that. You'll still see them because you have a child in common...maybe you could move in with them!
Regarding shared might want to check out your legal options. If he doesn't want to raise the child, he can't be forced to in most states, but he MUST pay child support if the custody isn't divided equally....don't know how this may impact you. Some fathers choose equal custody to avoid paying, then dump the kid on his own Mom, though that might not be bad for the child given your approval of his family.
Here's a scary thought...if he's as cold and selfish as described, your son will grow up with that as a role model. Not to mention continuing misery for you.
Good luck. It's a very important decision. Given your descr*iption of the situation, I can't see anything in this for you and your child. And relationships rarely improve with time without intervention of some kind with two willing partners.