Need good sound advise please.
This my first post here...I normally lurk around the
Acne and
Bowel Cleanse Forum .
I need some advise for a tricky situation I'm in. I'm having doubts about my fiance and I's relationship. I'm not entirely sure it is going to last. We have been together for four years. The first two were great we lived apart on and off but worked together, the last two have been somewhat strained and we now have a two year old son.
Ok so now here are the honest parts.. Since having my son I basically have pretty much lost all desire for sex! even kissing makes me squeemish! I can't even watch tv scenes with it in without feeling uncomfortable.
My partenr is really resentfull about it but I can't help it I've tried to normalise hormone function thinking it was an imbalance or something but that hasn't worked. I 'm harbouring a bit of anger and resentment myself..I work two jobs and look after our son the days in not at work. So I basically feel most of my life is spent doing stuf for other people.
The other things are a feel really restricted in what goals I want to reach in my life. Meaning there is never any time or money for me to concentrate on them! Though we have had to put a lot of things on hold so that my partner can realise his.
I really think that maybe we want different things, he has said he wants the same kind of lifestyle as me but we have to wait for it. Well I'm afraid that given his track record (severe procrastination) that we will be wasting our life waiting forever for it to happen and then that day won't ever come!
I'm really not sure what to do, I love his family and I know I f we separate they will be very sad and disappointed.
We are currently sleeping in separate bedrooms something that started when I was late shift working but then It just kinda stayed that way. Besides I can't stand being around his mess! it makes me so angry!
I'm sorry for the long post, I can't talk to anyone I know in person about this. I don't think anyone has a clue as to what's going on. My partner and I are not really talking to eachother at the moment because I didn't want to be intimate with him the other night and he has been angry ever since.
I think about moving out a lot...and taking my son. Have thought about shared custody etc.
If anyone could give some advise would be much appreciated. And also comments from those whi have been there before.
Thanks, feel quite sad.