I fast for one day, just drinking clear Liquids (Ginger Ale, Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, Water) and then I took A Bowel Cleaner "The Laxative that you take when your getting a Colonoscopy" It REALLY CLEANS YOU OUT "LOL". Following that I continue to drink the clear liquids for that day. Then I took a Fleet Enema to complete my intestinal clean. I am begining to eat ONLY salads, fruits, and certain vegetables which is the "WORST" beacuse I'd rather been eating someting else. I try to avoid Cabbage, Brussel Spouts and Cauliflower because they block FMO3 enzyme from functioning which will build up the STINK. I also drink DETOX tea (From any health food store)at night. I have learned that you must CLEAN out that Bacteria from your gut and eat the proper foods on the Choline Food List before you can see results. Everyday I look for peoples expressions on there faces to see if I smell and Day 3 after my DETOX I don't see that so far. I will continue to eat boring foods and STAY AWAY from foods HIGH IN CHOLINE because I need my life back