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Re: old dogs and dads
Zoebess Views: 3,576
Published: 17 y
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Re: old dogs and dads

Ha~! you can teach an old dog new -----~!

My friend's 82 year old mom is coming to
live here at the center. This will be good
for us both but she especially has said she
bets she will get healthier. When she first
came to visit, she brought so much candy I
thought it was Halloween~! It has not taken
long at all though to get her switched to
juice extracts with stevia instead of soda
or fructose corn syrup. Give me a couple of
months and she will be oil-pulling. Funny,
she probably would not do it on her own but
she will try it to please me and then I
imagine she will continue because it has
pleased her. I have a couple of converts to
oil-pulling who quit and went back to it on
their own saying they could tell a difference.

Yahoo for your dad though. As long as he stays
out of a hospital he can probably do well.
My elders had all sorts of tricks they did
to retain their health and seems they worked
since even the intention to live long and
well has a good effect. One Uncle loved to
spray WD40 on his knee caps and go off fishing.
He had arthritis but felt as long as he could
spray it down with the lubricant, he was good
to go.

Your dad sounds like a hoot...wise and willing~!

best wishes,




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