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Re: Does fasting make parasites worse? Worm crawled out of my aunt's nose
Gildersleeve Views: 20,219
Published: 17 y
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Re: Does fasting make parasites worse? Worm crawled out of my aunt's nose

Dear Curedbycurezone:

I hadn't thought about the microscopic parasites at all - thanks for the info. I hadn't thought to focus on them.

As far as the "anecdote" goes, I have no reason to believe that it was made up, as the people who witnessed it are still alive (my dad and grandma) and they told me personally what they saw; and there were so many worms coming out of my family members' bodies over so many years, there is no reason why one more account would be less likely than the others (I have in fact seen a picture of such a worm crawling out of someone's facial orifices in the images gallery here on curezone).

I personally believe that it is important, hence the reason for my question. If worms start crawling when people are starving, it implies that that type of worm may have been relying on food in the person's body to some degree. I felt a sort of relief in that belief - that they left when food was gone - but since you pointed out the microscopic parasites I realize that the large squirmy ones are only part of the problem.

Thanks for your imput - I am working on my diet as you suggested.



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