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Does fasting make parasites worse? Worm crawled out of my aunt's nose
Gildersleeve Views: 20,616
Published: 17 y

Does fasting make parasites worse? Worm crawled out of my aunt's nose

I had a question about whether fasting could make parasites more harmful. I am currently doing a fast, and this concern has made me nervous.

I guess the key to the answer is this: do parasites just eat our bodies and organs, or do some of them eat the food we eat too?

My suspicion is that parasites do also consume the food we ingest, because in 1932 when my aunt was a baby, Grandma said a foot-long worm crawled out of my aunt's nose. Grandma said it was obvious why - the whole family was starving, so the worm left my aunt to go find food somewhere, because it wasn't getting it in my aunt.

My parents both grew up in the South in the 1930's where everyone was poor, and of course, nobody had refridgerators. I know that people from other parts of the country whose family didn't have problems in the Depression would be shocked to hear these stories, but I've been told them by all the older people I know in the South, and the stories are ubiquitous. If they slaugthered a hog, you had to eat the whole thing or starve - you couldn't throw part of it away just because it was "off." So my dad and his brothers, when they were little kids, used to beat the worms in their poo with a stick. Grandma said it wasn't a big deal - they'd all just drink CHERRY BARK TEA and they'd all pass their worms. It was a normal part of their life. I wish I had some Cherry Bark Tea!

If some parasites live on the food we eat, then it seems to me that fasting would take away this food, and make the parasites more likely to start eating our BODIES instead.

Has anybody found this to be the case? Or do the parasites just leave the host, like they did my aunt?


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