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Re: Asimov and the auto mechanic
Ohfor07 Views: 2,414
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,171,887

Re: Asimov and the auto mechanic



I have an IQ. Meanwhile ... and coincidentally, it stumbled upon a profound quote the other day, one of those kind that, while it basically fits into just about any conversation of merit, deserves its own special place. My IQ informs that the given scope of problems opined upon in this thread, this is such a place.


“Most of the problems that we face in our world today, whether they be spiritual and religious or scientific, political and economic, are all because people are holding onto some perspective that has nothing to do with the truth but has to do with their own belief system and addiction to something that is outdated, and they can’t let go of it.”



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