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Published: 17 y
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This is a bit of propaganda from the liberal idiots. We are surreptitiously being led to believe that all people with IQs of 80 are fantastic auto mechanics and people with IQs of 160 are idiots around machines. In fact it is most likely the opposite. But it is a nice story and gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling conducive to getting you in the mood to sing Kumbaya.

It is possible that that mechanic did have an above average spatial ability. Which simply means that he had an above average IQ for that particular trait, just as some people are musical geniuses while very poor in math. Human abilities should be viewed in the totality, including physical, artistic,musical, linguistic and abstract .

""""Mozart, for example, combined musical genius with an innate understanding of mathematics and patterns.
Intelligence testing has existed for thousands of years. Chinese emperors used aptitude testing to evaluate civil servants as early as 2200 BC [ref]."""



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