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--answer to time taken to see difference--
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Published: 19 y
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--answer to time taken to see difference--


First of all it may be wise to understand that the pH tests are "ONLY" a tool to use to moniter how the body is doing and mainly what foods are causing you to become too Acidic, so that you may then "STOP" eating these foods , so that your body may begin to heal!!

After you learn what your pH is, then you must learn what is causing it to be what it is, for what some may call perfect pH may not be so!

In other words, "IF" your pH is 6.8 in both your urine and sliva, which should be a good goal to reach for, "IF" this reading is because you drank some Baking soda to raise it to this level and have not supplied the needed Alkaline Minerals which your body needs, then this reading is of little value!

Like wise "IF" this reading is because of the Proteins which you have eaten and they were of the Alkaline Isotope of Nitrogen, then this reading is not what your body needs either, "IF" you have not supplied the needed Alkaline Minerals in your Diet!

And as to how long of time it should take one to correct their pH, this is also very different , depending on your body type and how Sick and Diseased you are to begin with!

There are too many variables to give a Black and White answer to your question!

But, you can be assured that the better you feed your body the foods it needs and the better you get your Digestive system working, then the sooner you may recover and feel better!

As I have mentioned before, that "IF" you do what you need to do properly, then you should notice Positive results within 3 Days time, or you are not doing something correctly!

Smile Tis your choice.


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