Over the years I’ve heard people quote from
Alkalize or Die.
More than a few times I understood they, misquoted, misunderstood or simply got bad info from this book.
But like most entry books into new arenas there can be misunderstanding, by both the author and the readers, on some of the aspects involved.
How about all the tables of which foods are acid or alkaline, why aren’t they the same? What crap.
The fact that they differ from one another should have been a clue that “something” else was involved.
I’ve read one recent alkalizing book.
He does indeed “throw away” the first morning’s urine as simply the bodies’ nightly house cleaning removal.
Therefore he concludes, not a valid reading.
Is he correct?
Or is moreless correct and the overnight cleaning burden wasn’t met with sufficient resources?
Why didn’t the author up their supplements to compensate and give them a higher pH morning reading?
But then, doesn’t the conclusion of a morning acid reading seem so logical?
Or did he make the mistake of thinking that taking a group of people eating commercially grown food and supplementing with his products, was valid?
One of the things that has always bugged me are tests in which commercial food was involved.
Simply put, they aren’t valid.
I remember seeing secondary bypass arteries growing in heart patients (via angiograms). But it occurred only in a 100% vegetarian diet.
Sounds real good for vegetarianism doesn’t it?
Hogwash. Was the meat commercially grown? It didn’t say, but you know darn well it was.
Let’s see, hormonally skewed, anti-biotic soaked and God knows what else contaminates this meat.
Oh yeah, I can see it shutting down the bodies repair business in a snap.
I digress....;-)
To properly use information one needs to window the effects.
Trying to find flaws within a fixed context or as I prefer, window.
Go outside the window, you’re in invalid territory.
That will be the only warning I give you.
So my take would go like this:
Let’s say you’ve de-acidified and built up reserves.
Tuesday through Friday you have a morning pH >7.
Saturday though Monday you get an acidic reading.
I ponder upon this.
A weekend warrior.
You’re over exercising and or eating poorly on the weekend and overdrawing on your pH reserve balance.
Couldn’t one compensate by taking extra supplements starting on Friday morning?
Perhaps a baking soda hit a couple of times on the weekend would do the job as well?
To simply compensate for the exercise generated acid buildup?
So by looking forward, one might compensate for most overages occurring during nightly cleanup?
Thoughts to ponder.