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Re: Mirena, yes or no?
mommymo Views: 1,690
Published: 17 y
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Re: Mirena, yes or no?

That's why I've been on here, too. I had my second child 6 months ago and have tried 3 types of pills and the Nuvaring since his birth. Though I'd never had problems with pills in the past, I kept getting my period after the first 7-10 days on all 3 types I tried. I got on the Nuvaring, and though I loved the convenience, I was having chronic headaches, visual auras, spotting, random vomiting spells and even passed out in the middle of my living room at 4:30 one morning. I couldn't have mustered the strength to get off the floor even if one of my children had been in danger, I had to lay there for 30 minutes until my husband almost stepped on me! My doctor even said he was worried about me and suggested Mirena. My insurance won't cover it (I haven't met my deductible), so I'll have to pay $700 for the product and insertion. Primarily due to the cost, I've been doing a lot of research and am finding that I may still have the problems that it professes to alleviate. Have others of you used Mirena because it was kind of a "last resort" on the birth control front?

On a side note - I really appreciate how honest and open you all are about your experiences. You're doing those of us in limbo a GREAT service by sharing your stories and I hope you're finding a source of support as well. Thank you!!!!!


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