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Re: Mirena, yes or no?
mom2donny Views: 2,357
Published: 17 y
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Re: Mirena, yes or no?

If you have had problems with any kind of hormonal birth control, my answer to your question is a resounding "NO"! I wish I had found this site before I had that awful device put in, I would have never gotten it. I had been on OrthoTricyclen years ago for 4 or 5 years before I realized it was slowly affecting my mood and libido. After having my son last year, My OB/GYN made the mirena sound like a perfect method of bc, telling me I wouldn't have the same side-effects as the pill. HUGE lie... I only had the IUD 3 months and the effects were insane: weight gain, mood swings, joint pain, insomnia, irritability, breakouts, depression. And once you realize your body is not tolerating well, it seems to take forever to get better once it's out. I've had it out 3 months now, and the side effects come back before and during my period. PLEASE, save yourself the aggravation and don't get it in the first place, it's time you can't get back!


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