Re: does anger bind??
actually it's the same girl.
I really cleaned up my act with her and we dated til now.
We had ALOT of fun and did so many things I never thought I'd be
doing..all up until jealously reered it's ugly head and I just
lost it and the anger kinda just lingered for awhile,for like
the last two weeks and I just can't escape it.
I just get so jealous and am so afraid of loosing her to someone
else that I just totally flip out.I think I might really have lost
her this time because this is not the first time I became upset with
her..she is really sweet and nice but I don't think she can handle
or deal with me when I become upset..and rightfully so,she is so
young (21) and inexperienced and I am nearly 30(28).
It's just that it's so hard to try and communicate to her in a way
that registers 'why' I become so angry with her but it's like she
understands but she doesn't..even if I talk to her in a way that's
'simple'.It's like she doesn't understand the magnitude in which
she pisses me off at times.
I really do like her alot but what the heck is going on?
I am willing to work through things with her but she is like me,
when she is angry she is angry but then she just shuts me out
and I HATE that the least talk to me.
Okay,be mad at me but DO NOT shut me out because that will just
anger me more..but then again I guess I DO deserve to be in the
dog house for being so mean to her at times.
I just wish I knew of a more constructive way to express my
real issues to her and release some of this anger I feel in a
more constructive way instead of just loosing it.
I don't yell at her or anything,I just act out alot and become
very assholish in general..she can tolerate it I guess but I just
keep pushing it until I reach her limit..just to get a reaction
out of her,if she get's mad I know it's because she cares..
if she didn't then it would'nt even effect her at all.
Not the best way to deal with things,I know.
I really want to make things work out between us but I am just
so lost in how to deal with certain things like this.Then there is
that lingering feeling of resentment afterwards and we are
both kinda on eggshells with one sucks.
I really did change my ways so much with this girl and for the
better,my moods and my jealousy especially are such burdens though...
what to do?
what to do?