Re: does anger bind??
Is this the same Rygar who posted "weird feelings", completely whiny and absorbed in the "pretty, petite" package until she had sex with you? Amazing you've been able to establish a relationship at all, given all the issues you describe about yourself.
No, anger does not bind; you're just grateful she didn't dump you after being an ass. And making up after a fight re-ignites the old feelings. But in the long run, anger is very destructive and will eventually kill any good feelings she has for you.
Frankly, your sexual and anger issues indicate a testosterone overdose! I believe you can psycho-analyze yourself until the cows come home but see no dfference because of this hormonal imbalance. Haven't you noticed that not everyone has the anger and sexual obsessions you have?
I know some will disagree...I was the same way, convinced that every problem had a psychological basis. And it can be helpful, but YOUR problem is different than that.
I would take a hormone balancer like saw palmetto for a few weeks. If you notice a BIG difference in your anger issues, you'll know it's a simple hormonal problem. If not, I'd check myself in somewhere for a MAJOR psych analysis!
Saw P can't hurt you, but it may change your life. Give it a try and let us know. Obviously, ruminating is getting you nowhere.