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Re: Sheesh (edit)
jfh Views: 1,646
Published: 17 y
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Re: Sheesh (edit)

Cora, you're so funny. I do agree with your last paragraph though. That makes for a good life.

What are the Crook books? Can you point me in their direction? I don't have a problem with weight, other than psychological. When I was younger, people made fun of me. I was unacceptable. Now that I'm nearly 60, people just make various remarks; like "I don't understand how you can eat so much and not gain weight." I think that is wishful thinking on their part.

I might have mentioned this before; but briefly, Iodine might have helped if only I had persevered. I started Iodine about Feb 2007 and stayed with it until late Aug when I discovered Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . For the duration, I was in detox daily. It was detox h*ll. It finally went into my first ever sinus infection; as the mucous was not able to drain or overproduction due to the fungus (one of the symptoms of Candida). I also had to take my first ever Antibiotics ; as nothing in the natural world was working. It was only for 10 days; but it cleared that immediately. I'm back on iodine; but not nearly as much as last year.

Now that the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has cleaned out most of the fungi, my sinuses are so much better. I can breathe through both nostrils at the same time - mostly. I occasionally still have constipation; which causes more sinus congestion. So, I think the fungi is in hiding; waiting to pounce. I continue to dose with a daily maintenance of 6 drops Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and a few drops Lugols during the week. They are both oxidative therapy; so, I am careful to take them at separate times. For me, this is a miracle for my lifelong problems relief.

Now if only I could break that OTC nasal spray habit. I'm weaning off it by adding some saline water to the spray bottle as it gets lower; but sometimes I give in an add more nasal spray solution. I just use it once a day now that my health is better; but, I'm still addicted.


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