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Re: Sheesh (edit)
jfh Views: 1,603
Published: 17 y
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Re: Sheesh (edit)

"I'm wondering if your previously described health issues might have something more to do with this underweight issue, or is your whole family "disgustingly underweight". - cora

My mother was underweight all her life. Her mother and father were not. My grandmother lived until she was 93. She was way obese. She lived off of Dutch fried everything and deep cobbler pies. Fatback (salted pork) was cooked with everything; and everything was overcooked. She raised me through high school; as my mother worked the night shift. My sister and brother are not obese; but could certainly look healthier with much less weight. My mother's siblings were all over weight. I don't know anything about my father.

When I moved away from home to develop my career, I mostly ate at the local greasy spoon. When I got more involved in alternative meds and health products, I changed my diet somewhat. I figured at that time, early 70s, that something had to be done with my quality of life and constant constipation (since childhood) and constant sinus congestion. I did not know that I most likely had already been the host of too much fungus. I am now believing that my mother had the same problem. This could well have starved us, no matter what we ate. But my bones are slight as well. Skinny.

Stress could have had very much to do with my health. My mother worried about every blade of grass. She would worry that if someone stepped on one, it would hurt it emotionally. I take after her. Though it helped my career in computers; especially programming. I had to take care of every single little detail.

I still eat hamburgers, maybe one every other week. I seldom eat breakfast. I eat too much pasta; especially pizza. I do avoid sugar. Vegetables are higher priority than meats; but I enjoy both and don't feel guilty. I know I should lay off of so much grain. I have, at times, been vegetarian; but, since it did not help my conditions, I had no motivation to continue. I'd like to try to be a fruitarian for a while, just to see what would happen. Maybe, I will no longer be feeding fungi.

And yet, Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has seemed to bypassed all my sins to reclaim my health for me. Maybe I will start gaining weight now; and unfortunately.


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