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Re: Sheesh (edit)
cora Views: 1,534
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,161,767

Re: Sheesh (edit)

Has it (MMS) annihilated the respiratory stuff yet? Is weight the only prob you contend with at this point after so many months swallowing that stuff? Can you attribute any improvements to the iodine, and if so any issue in particular? Sorry for all the q's. Your positive testimony toward Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is seriously intriguing.

You are right. Get off that pasta. Although, must say that I'm surprised that if carbs (slow burning) are your mainstay I'd think you'd have the opposite issues with weight. Must be a metabolism thing.

Have you read any of the Crook, et all books? So many swear by the diet suggestions while many claim no results.

ENZYMES. SOIL BASED ORGANISMS. PROBIOTICS. FREQUENCY. OXYGEN. UVA, UVB, FIR. (in random order) That's my theory. Oh, and tons of wild sex. (My wishful theory.)



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