I thoroughly enjoyed digesting all the info you so kindly sent me - I love to learn, especially with subjects that are of considerable interest to me such as alternative medicine. I am going to use the CS not only for my two 15 year old kitties but naturally for myself with all my health ailments.
Even though I have been visiting Curezone for a number of years now, and tell everyone I meet to visit, I am not familiar with all the available links to various info, etc. So, I will do as you say - I know the more you read the more you learn but due to my fatigue I cannot spend as much time as I would otherwise searching on all the posts for the info you need.
By the way, I do have Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and have used it for a few years - I have learned so very much on Curezone and the regulars and most others are, so generous with their time, advice and caring.