your questions are based on faulty assumptions.
i have never bought
Colloidal Silver in the store that WAS clear, and i have bought several kinds.
color has as much to do with the process as it does the end product. there are rules of thumb which apply to HOMEMADE electro ionic silver, but that is all they are - generalities. most companies putting out CS for sale are doing their best to make the product effective and stable. clear homemade CS is safe and effective and you can use as much as you want of it to get the desired effect. commercial products must be standardized and have a big bang for the buck. the
Utopia-Silver you describe sounds fine to me. i bought some source naturals recentoly and it was yellow. i know they are not using the same process as utopia. the SN product had 10ppm on the label. either this was a lie or there was agglomeration take place for some other reason besides to high a concentration or maybe even yellow
food coloring because many people still belive
Colloidal Silver should be yellow. something is up with it. utopia uses a different process from everyone else. the color of it is on purpose due to their proprietary methods.
the blood pressure thing can be caused by your own state of mind as well as any number of reasons. there is nothing i know of to remotely correlate that to CS use. there might be a lag in effect on dogs and cats, but i have never seen CS fail to improve poor health in either. and last but not least, it is
Utopia-Silver over any other kind, including homemade, that i am choosing to treat my best friend for his COPD. i fully expect to have his condition reversed by the time i am done. he will be nebulizing the CS so i want the finest, most effective product i can obtain. that product is utopia.
what you say does not jibe with my experience at all. sorry.