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Re: Confused about acidic/alkaline killing candida
digitalman Views: 31,253
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Re: Confused about acidic/alkaline killing candida

From Standard process site - Lactic Acid yeast used is saccharomyces cerevisiae


"There are many kinds of yeast. There is one the baker uses that changes carbohydrates to carbon dioxide to make bread rise. The brewer uses one that changes carbohydrates to alcohol. Then there is Lactic Acid Yeast, which changes carbohydrates to lactic acid. The advantage of this, of course, is that the lactic acid keeps the gastrointestinal tract acid as it should be.

If by eating refined foods a person develops an alkaline gastrointestinal tract, not only does he not digest protein -- a very bad thing, as protein is toxic when it rots in your system -- he also can't assimilate calcium and iron. This is true of other minerals as well, but especially calcium and iron. These two just cannot be picked up in an alkaline gastrointestinal tract. People are often anemic not because they do not have iron in their food, but because it goes right through them.

The main symptom of the need for Lactic Acid Yeast is intestinal gas. Intestinal gas only forms in an alkaline gastrointestinal tract because gas-producing organisms can only live in an alkaline medium. If you acidify their environment, they can't exist."



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