Re: Fasting while working
Hello superanonygirl,
as Fonty has said in reply to your post, some people can continue as normal while fasting and some cannot. A lot depends on your physical fitness prior to your fast & your constitution, and whether your body is acclimatized to physical labour or not.
The maximum benefits from fasting are when resting, because fasting is after all a physiological rest, where all of your bodily energies are then diverted to cleansing & healing; however, if you are physically active such as walking that mile to work and climbing stairs 6 times a day and so on, then a large part of those energies are being utilized in muscular effort. You will also lose more weight this way, if you have the weight to lose that is.
Your body is your most reliable guide here: listen to what it is actually telling you; the need for rest; surplus energies for some activity and so on and so on.
My advice would be not to overdo anything physically, especially if you have any detox crises.
Careful how you go, and take those sick days if your body tells you, you need to rest.