Sorry, but the "green" movement is not behind our present problems. That is like blaming hippies for the fiasco that was Vietnam. ExxonMobile just announced that they are not going to increase production of oil the next few years because they want to keep prices high. No beating around the bush - they pretty much came out and said it. They are in it for the buck, pure and simple, not for the good of our interests. The green movement, in general, has our interests in mind. They want us breathing clean air and drinking clean water and leaving at least the semblence of a normal planet for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. The white man has such an incredibly poor record of caring for our planet and the energy companies are at the top of the heap. What about solar and wind??? Carter was the only one who had the balls to push that and the special interest groups ate him alive. Why haven't fuel standards gone up?? Michigan lawmakers and energy companies want em low. The lower they are the more gas Exxon sells. Economics 101.