Saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzi tubs, ocean water, iodine for BO
Hi daisy06,
What a great idea to use sauna and steam rooms for
Body Odor remedy!
Here in Miami, we can also take advantage of the ocean water, since its salts and minerals are so therapeutic.
I would think that soaking in jacuzzi tubs can help if the water is clean and well kept. I wonder, though, if the chlorine they use would have a more adverse effect on
Body Odor . Has any had experience with this? I know that some pools and jacuzzi tubs now use salts instead of chlorine to purify the water.
Many years ago, I used to go in a jacuzzi tubs that had
Iodine in the water, but I never found another one that had iodine. It was great for
Body Odor . I would imagine that the
Iodine would stain the tub as well, and that’s not desirable.
Thanks for your suggestion.