I'm feeling like I can't stand this odor problem I've been going through constantly. What's sad its ruining my good name and reputations. Plus everybody don't respect me anymore. It breaks my heart so bad that nobody in this world could ever understand what I'm going through right now. Everywhere I go or be everybody's talking and laughing at me. Its so terrible when I go to work people always holding their noises and whispering right in front of my face. Or they'll blurt things out. All I know is at the end of the day it just makes me humiliated and ashamed that I'm walking around like this. Many days I just go home in tears. What's sad too there is this guy that likes me and I like him but I ignore him or avoid him. Because I fear that if he got to know me he would notice my odor too and turn on me too. Plus I fear people would talk about me to him to change his mind. I don't want to ignore him. He is a nice good guy.
Its just that fear once he finds out I have this odor clinging to me constantly he wouldn't like me anymore. Plus nobody would understand and I couldn't put nobody through that. Lately I just keep to myself because its easier that way. I don't have to worry about others commenting on my odor or trying to humiliate me and make me very uncomfortable over this. Well I don't know I feel like no matter how many showers I talk or perfumes lotions supplements and everything else I try isn't working. Plus you go to the doctors and they won't even listen but tell me its all in my head when its not. I just wish that somebody out there would understand me. Many days I just feel so alone and keeping this to myself. I wish this would just go away so I can be normal again. If anybody out there is going through this please give me helpful information on how to get this to stop. Or opinions and advice would be helpful too. PLEASE. I could use a friend right now.