Zinc is required for proper oxygenation; it is however chewed up by several organisms as well as some toxins that block the uptake.
Worse, supplementing with zinc will, with most hosting parasites, end in increased varicella-zoster activity. Mostly inside the nerves so you won't even know it is going on until you get Parkinson’s like symptoms.
This isn’t just a theoretical concern. In a series of human studies, putting volunteers on a diet and supplement regimen in which the ratio between zinc and copper was 23.5-to-one (and sometimes lower) – common zinc-to-copper ratios, found in many multivitamins on health food store shelves – resulted in wide-ranging metabolic disturbances, including reduced levels of the copper-based antioxidants enzymes cytosolic superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin, increased total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, anemia, reductions in the body’s levels of enkephalins (natural pain-killing molecules), and cardiac dysfunction (including rhythm disturbances and even heart attacks!).