What brand of sea salt are you using? You might try a different brand - many here use Hymalian, Celtic, or Redmond. You might want to try one of those.
Also, since you aren't following protocol and doing the SWF twice a day, this is cause for some concern to me. I've read on this forum that doing the SWF in the middle of the day is not beneficial because you are washing out any of the lemonade that you have in your system. Doing the SWF in the morning, you are doing it on an empty stomach, so you have nothing to worry about.
Just a couple of my thoughts on the matter. Your body may just react to the salt (or something else). The bloating will most likely go down as soon as you are finished with your fast.
As for the cramping in your stomach - how much cayenne are you using per 10 ounce glass?