Re: USDA Orders Largest Meat Recall in U.S. History
the bloating is exactly what happens to them, it also makes them extremely acidic(my memory may be a little faulty here, it's been a while).
Ha! I've been to a couple of livestock auctions myself, smelly affairs they were. I think I would have skipped the slaughterhouse...
Yeah, cows are grazers. no corn.
Pollan does a marvelous job explaining corn's supremacy(and soy). Corn is cheap sugar(well, the hybridized corn of today, anyway).
Corn and soy can be manipulated endlessly. Corn = cheap sugar. Soy = cheap protein. Feed people an infinite variety of products derived from these items(Archer Daniels Midland, anyone?) and you get...well...? The sickly corn-soybean people, I guess.
Soybean item~ I read recently in "Wise Traditions", the Weston A. Price Quarterly, that soy is fed to fish on fish farms. Some fish refuse to eat the soy food. "they" are doing studies to try to figure out why. aaaaaeeeee...
oh, one more corn item. Did you know that corn is the one domesticated crop where there are no "wild" relatives? And that corn cannot reproduce on it's own? Need's man's help. Makes you wonder, huh, how this one plant established such supremacy..
Kobe beef sounds tasty:) I just pray that the "grass-fed, free range" stuff I get really is...
I could use some kobe therapy myself! Without the ritual sacrifice at the end, of course!
BTW, I enjoyed your "grains kill" post.
Nice chatting with you!