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To receive, give what it is you desire
Infinitelove Views: 2,275
Published: 16 y

To receive, give what it is you desire


With regards to this post, I'm going to actively attempt to facilitate the idea that whatever you want more of, give of that same substance.

I'd like to start giving some cash and I'm looking for some ideas from this forum as to where I can give this money. I'm not aligned with any churches nor do I wish to be. I'm open to any and all ideas from anyone. I don't wish it to sound as though I have all this cash to dole out...I am sending out my rocket of desire for MORE cash via this process :-)

**Someone just sent me this email:

Abraham has addressed this many times, and they explain that if you just want "money" (and often people do ask just for a "lump" of money), the Universe can't get a reading on that vibration - it's not focused. If you instead focus on what you want to create/do/enjoy with that money, and you can get into the feeling place of that - THEN the Universe will provide the money (and/or whatever else) that is needed to make it happen!

Resistant thought will always block manifestation. Ask and it is given - whether it's a "pile of money" or money for a specific purpose - the Universe will provide it. But in order to line up to receiving it we have to remove resistant thought...



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